Customizing ImageRepository

Changing repository visibility

In the ImageRepository change spec.image.visibility to public(default) or private according what you want, only those two options are valid.

Rotating credentials for repository

In the ImageRepository add new section spec.credentials.regenerate-token with value true, repository credentials will be rotated and pull & push secret updated, section will be removed after rotation and status.credentials.generationTimestamp will be updated with new timestamp.

If you modified manually SA or removed manually some generated secrets you can fix your SA by adding in the ImageRepository new section spec.credentials.verify-linking with value true, section will be removed after actions are performed.

It will link secret to service account if link is missing. It will remove duplicate links of secret in service account. It will remove secret from imagePullSecrets in service account. It will unlink secret from service account, if secret doesn’t exist (you can recreate secret using 'regenerate-token').

Skip repository deletion

By default when ImageRepository is removed it will also remove repository in, if you want to keep it and still remove ImageRepository add to the ImageRepository new annotation with value "true".