Triggering Periodic Integration Tests
In Konflux, you can run integration tests on a schedule using Kubernetes CronJobs.
To trigger a periodic Integration Test, complete the following steps:
Create an integration test by following the Creating a integration test guide.
If the Integration Test is designed to only run periodically rather than during Pull Request checks or post-merge, you need to add the disabled context to the Integration Test. |
Create RBAC rules in your tenant to allow CronJob ServiceAccount to access snapshot.
Create a CronJob that will trigger periodic Integration Tests via snapshot labels.
Procedure with example
This procedure assumes that you already have an integration test created and a ServiceAccount available in your tenant.
Create a
to grant the necessary snapshot access to the ServiceAccount, which will be used to trigger the periodic Integration Testskind: Role apiVersion: metadata: name: periodic-jobs-role namespace: default-tenant rules: - verbs: - get - watch - list - update - patch apiGroups: - resources: - snapshots --- kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: metadata: name: periodic-jobs-rolebinding namespace: default-tenant subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: default-tenant namespace: roleRef: kind: Role name: periodic-jobs-role apiGroup:
Create a CronJob that will trigger a Periodic Integration Test scenario via snaphot labels.
The following CronJob example configured to run every two days (*/2
in the schedule). It triggers an integration test scenario in Konflux by:
Fetching the latest valid snapshot associated with push events in the specified tenant.
Checking if a valid snapshot exists and is autoreleased successfully; if not, the job exits with an error.
Labeling the snapshot to initiate the integration test scenario
This process helps ensure that the integration tests are executed periodically using the most recent in main branch.
kind: CronJob
apiVersion: batch/v1
name: periodic-integration-test
namespace: default-tenant (1)
schedule: '0 0 */2 * *'
- name: trigger-e2e-scenario
image: ''
imagePullPolicy: Always
- /bin/bash
- '-c'
- |
set -euo pipefail
export KONFLUX_SCENARIO_NAME="integration-test" (2)
export KONFLUX_TENANT_NAME="default-tenant" (3)
export KONFLUX_APPLICATION_NAME="application-default" (4)
export KONFLUX_COMPONENT_NAME="component-default" (5)
echo -e "[INFO] Fetching latest snapshot from ${KONFLUX_TENANT_NAME} related to push events."
LATEST_SNAPSHOT=$(kubectl get snapshots -n "${KONFLUX_TENANT_NAME}" -o json | \
jq --arg application "$KONFLUX_APPLICATION_NAME" --arg component "$KONFLUX_COMPONENT_NAME" -r '
| map(select(
.metadata.labels."" == $application and
.metadata.labels."" == $component and
.metadata.labels."" == "push" and
(.status.conditions // [] | map(select(
.type == "AutoReleased" and
.reason == "AutoReleased" and
.status == "True"
| length > 0)
| sort_by(.metadata.creationTimestamp) | last |')
if [[ -z "${LATEST_SNAPSHOT}" || "${LATEST_SNAPSHOT}" == "null" ]]; then
echo -e "[ERROR] No valid snapshot found. The job will not be triggered."
exit 1
echo -e "[INFO] Triggering test scenario ${KONFLUX_SCENARIO_NAME} from snapshot ${LATEST_SNAPSHOT}."
echo "[INFO] Integration Service E2E tests successfully triggered!"
serviceAccountName: default
serviceAccount: default
1 | The name of the tenant. |
2 | The Integration Test name to be triggered by the CronJob. |
3 | The tenant from where to annotate the component snapshot to trigger Periodic Integration Test. |
4 | The Konflux application name associated with the Integration Test that will be triggered by the CronJob. |
5 | The Konflux componet name. |
Once the CronJob is triggered and completes, your integration test pipelines should begin executing in the Konflux UI.