Dependency Management

MintMaker is a service built on top of Renovate. It includes the RPM lockfile extension and integration with Konflux CI.

Renovate is a tool that automates dependency updates in your repository. Its goal is to make dependency management easier and a continued practice. That way, your project will always have the latest fixes for bugs and security issues.

In this documentation, when we mention something about Renovate, it will be a general statement. Therefore it will also apply to MintMaker, since it runs an underlying Renovate service. However, when we say something about MintMaker, it is a specific statement that might not apply to other Renovate instances.


Always verify that the PRs/MRs for dependency updates are created by verified Konflux accounts.


All MintMaker PRs are created using the red-hat-konflux GitHub app. All commits should contain this signature:

Signed-off-by: red-hat-konflux <126015336+red-hat-konflux[bot]>

and should be signed with GPG key B5690EEEBB952194:

Image showing a valid GPG signature

On Konflux staging, the account uses the konflux-staging app and a different email:

Signed-off-by: konflux-staging <124796549+konflux-staging[bot]>

while the GPG key is the same.


On GitLab the account used is different for each project or group. The account name is konflux, but the email used is in the following format:

For projects: project_<project ID>_bot_<32 hex characters>

For groups: group_<group ID>_bot_<32 hex characters>

The project ID or group ID must come from your project or group when setting up the secrets.


Renovate is a very configurable tool. Since every project has its unique needs, it is fundamental to take advantage of that flexibility to make MintMaker work in the best possible manner.

The MintMaker team provides a base set of configurations that provide a sensible starting point. It enables users to have a good experience out of the box.

Create your custom configuration

The base configuration can be found here. This config file is applied to all repositories onboarded in Konflux and serves as our global Renovate configuration.

While this link points to the latest global configuration, our deployment may use a configuration from a specific commit. However, in most cases, there won’t be any conflicts between the deployed version and the latest version. For reference purposes, you can refer to the latest version of the configuration.

Individual repositories can override this config to tweak Renovate’s behavior to their needs by adding a renovate.json file in the top level directory of the repository’s default branch. All available configuration options can be found in Renovate documentation.

When customizing your configs, use the following base template to build on:

  "$schema": ""

Configuration presets

Before diving deeper into all the possible configuarion options, consider using one of MintMaker’s prepared presets. Presets provide predefined options that can be added to the extends field in your renovate.json, as suggested below. Multiple presets can be combined as needed.

  "extends": ["github>konflux-ci/mintmaker-presets:<preset name>"]

The following table describes presets available at current time. In addition to MintMaker presets, you can also explore options from the official Renovate documentation.

Preset name Description


Automerge all CVE fixes


Automerge CVE fixes with Critical severity


Automerge CVE fixes with High severity or higher


Automerge CVE fixes with Moderate severity or higher


Suggest only stable Fedora releases (based on


Group requirement.txt updates into a single PR


Group Poetry updates into a single PR

*RPM manager currently does not support automerge based on severity information, this feature is WIP.

Available managers

Renovate is based around the concept of package managers. Package managers are tools that manage dependencies in a certain category, programming language or configuration file. While some managers work "out of the box", for others (e.g. Kubernetes or regex manager) you need to specify the details in the renovate.json configuration file. You can refer to a specific manager in the Renovate manager section.

We are working on enabling every manager available in Renovate. The list of currently enabled managers is available below.

List of currently supported managers

Category Enabled Managers


ansible, ansible-galaxy


batect, batect-wrapper


bazel, bazel-module, bazelisk

C and C++


Continuous Delivery

tekton, argocd, fleet, flux, helmfile, helmsman, cdnurl, html, glasskube

Continuous Integration

tekton, azure-pipelines, bitbucket-pipelines, bitrise, buildkite, circleci, cloudbuild, droneci, github-actions, gitlabci, gitlabci-include, jenkins, travis, velaci, woodpecker

Custom Managers





dockerfile, devcontainer, docker-compose


cake, nuget




gomod, ocb


helm-requirements, helm-values, helmfile, helmsman, helmv3

Infrastructure as Code

ansible, ansible-galaxy, bicep, crossplane, puppet, terraform, terragrunt


deps-edn, gradle, gradle-wrapper, kotlin-script, leiningen, maven, maven-wrapper, sbt, scalafmt


bun, meteor, nodenv, npm, nvm


argocd, crossplane, fleet, flux, glasskube, helm-requirements, helm-values, helmfile, helmsman, helmv3, jsonnet-bundler, kubernetes, kustomize, glasskube


nodenv, nvm






pep621 [1], pip-compile, pip_requirements, pip_setup, pipenv, poetry, pyenv, runtime-version, setup-cfg, pep723




bundler, puppet, ruby-version




cocoapods, mint, swift


terraform, terraform-version, terragrunt, terragrunt-version, tflint-plugin


asdf, fvm, git-submodules, hermit, homebrew, nix, osgi, pre-commit, vendir, copier, gleam, mise

Managers with a strikethrough are supported by Renovate, but not currently enabled or officially supported in MintMaker. You can enable them customizing your renovate.json. However, the MintMaker team cannot guarantee any level of functionality and will not provide support for these managers.

Detailed compatibility/support matrix for certain managers can be found here.
The pip-compile manager will currently update dependencies using Python 3.12 (even if the user applies constraints in the configuration). Our Renovate instance relies on tools installed in the container image and cannot dynamically upgrade or downgrade the pip-compile version at current time.
The enabledManagers configuration option in Renovate is not extendable between global and repository-level configurations. When enabling additional managers in your repository’s renovate.json, you need to specify a complete list of all desired managers.


MintMaker runs every 4 hours, starting at 00:00 UTC (i.e. 04:00, 08:00, 12:00, …​). This schedule cannot be overriden by user configuration.

Due to performance considerations, since 20 November 2024, MintMaker is configured to run different managers at different times. The current schedule for individual managers is:



Every day before 5 AM

rpm, lockFileMaintenance

Monday after 5 AM


Tuesday after 5 AM


Wednesday after 5 AM

argocd, crossplane, fleet, flux, helm-requirements, helm-values, helmfile, helmsman, helmv3, jsonnet-bundler, kubernetes, kustomize

Thursday after 5 AM

asdf, fvm, hermit, homebrew, osgi, pre-commit, vendir

Friday after 5 AM

Terraform managers

Saturday after 5 AM

Python managers, tekton

Sunday after 5 AM

gomod, ocb

All times are in UTC.

Overriding the default schedule

You can override the default MintMaker schedule by modifying the schedule config option. This only changes the manager-specific schedule.

To apply the schedule globally (for all managers), use schedule in the top level of the config file:

  "$schema": "",
  "schedule": ["at any time"]

To apply the schedule only to a specific manager, use:

  "$schema": "",
  "dockerfile": {
    "schedule": ["at any time"]

Custom container files

The Renovate’s manager for container files has a specific rule to match files:


If your container/Docker file has a different name, you will need to extend the match rule, which can be done following these instructions.

The fileMatch configuration is mergeable, meaning that when setting new values in the repository config, they will not override the default config. Instead the new values will be merged together with the existing rules.

For example, you can add a section like this in your renovate.json file:

  "dockerfile": {
    "fileMatch": [

Ignoring certain dependencies

If you don’t want updates to certain dependencies, but don’t want to disable the whole manager, you can use the ignoreDeps option:

  "$schema": "",
  "ignoreDeps": [

Advanced topics

Offboarding a repository

If you intend to disable MintMaker for your repository, please follow this guide.


  • Ensure you have CLI access to the Konflux cluster where your component is created.

  • Ensure you have necessary permission to annotate a component.


  • Determine the Konflux component you want to off-boarding from Mintmaker.

  • Use the kubectl or oc command to add the annotation "true" to the component.


oc -n <namespace> annotate component/<component-name>

How to limit the number of PRs/MRs

If you find that you are receiving too many PRs/MRs from MintMaker, there are configuration options available to limit the number of open requests or the rate at which they are created. Below are the available options that you can set per repository in your renovate.json.

prConcurrentLimit: This option sets a limit on the number of open PRs/MRs that Renovate will create concurrently. The default is 10.

branchConcurrentLimit: This option sets a limit on the maximum number of branches that can be created concurrently by Renovate. This option will reduce the time taken to rebase every update from Renovate. The default is unlimited.

prHourlyLimit: This option controls the number of PRs that Renovate will create per hour. prHourlyLimit helps to limit the rate of opening new PRs. The default is 2.

schedule: Defines specific times when Renovate is allowed to create branches and PRs. This can help prevent PRs from being created during busy periods.

Here is an example combining these options:

  "$schema": "",
  "prConcurrentLimit": 5,
  "branchConcurrentLimit": 0,
  "prHourlyLimit": 2,
  "schedule": ["after 10pm and before 6am on every weekday"]
Since MintMaker disables pruneStaleBranches, it is not recommended to modify branchConcurrentLimit in any way. The accumulation of old branches could lead to no new PRs/MRs getting created.

How to stop PRs/MRs from being updated outside of schedule

If you set up a schedule for your repository via the schedule config, it’s possible that MintMaker will still update PRs/MRs outside of the allowed times.

The schedule config manages branch creation, but will not stop updates to PRs/MRs from branches that are already created. If you want to prevent this behavior, use updateNotScheduled option, which when set to false will disallow for updates in existing PRs/MRs outside of the schedule:

  "$schema": "",
  "updateNotScheduled": false

The default value of updateNotScheduled is true, which leads to this behavior that might seem unexpected at first.


It is possible to configure Renovate to merge updates automatically for specific dependencies. You can find the documentation on this topic here.

When enabled for a given PR/MR, the automerge will happen provided two conditions are met:

  • the repository CI pipeline ran successfully, and

  • the PR/MR branch is up-to-date with the base branch.

Because of the need for the CI pipeline to succeed, you should expect that the merge will only happen in the next time mintmaker is run.

This following timeline exemplifies the events leading to an automerge in a repository:

Time Event


MintMaker run 1 starts


PR for dependency xyz is filed


CI pipeline is started


CI pipeline finishes successfully


MintMaker run 1 is finished




MintMaker run 2 starts


PR for dependency xyz is detected


PR for dependency xyz is automerged

You can also enabled automerge without the need of CI tests passing, by setting ignoreTests to true.

Because of the need for the PR/MR branch being up-to-date with the base branch, automerging multiple branches at once does not work.

Automerging can be risky. Since the merges will happen without anyone looking at the code, they have a higher risk of introducing regression.

It is very important to have a good test coverage in place, to mitigate that risk.

You can set automerge only for a certain type of updates. For example, updates to patch and minor updates of certain packages.

For example, to enable automerge for non-major updates on all dependencies, you can add the following to renovate.json:

  "$schema": "",
  "packageRules": [
      "description": "Automerge non-major updates",
      "matchUpdateTypes": ["minor", "patch"],
      "automerge": true

alternatively, to enable non-major updates only for specific packages, you can use

  "$schema": "",
  "packageRules": [
      "description": "Automerge non-major updates on depA and depB",
      "matchUpdateTypes": ["minor", "patch"],
      "matchPackageNames": ["depA", "depB"],
      "automerge": true

See Renovate’s docs on this topic on further examples. They show how to set automerge for specific dependency groups, types, etc.

Finally, to check if automerge is cofigured for a given PR/MR, you can look for the annotation "Automerge: Enabled" in the PR/MR body.

Inherited config

MintMaker Renovate supports the use of an Inherited config. The Inherited config file is used to apply the same Renovate settings to all repositories in an organization/group. This functionality is useful if your organization contains many repositories that should use the same or similar Renovate configuration.

If you want to use the inherited config, it must be located in the repository <organization>/renovate-config and the file must be named org-inherited-config.json. The file can contain any configuration options that you want to apply to all repositories in an organization.

Please note the applied order of Renovate config files:

  • Default config

  • Global config

  • Inherited config

  • Repository config

  • Resolved presets referenced in config

Configurations applied later will overwrite prior values. This means that inherited config can be used to modify MintMaker’s default behavior. Similarly, repository config overwrites inherited config, so organization-wide settings can be changed on a per repository basis. If you want to learn more about how Renovate applies configuration, take a look at the Renovate configuration overview.

Please note that the use of inherited config is optional and its absence will not result in an error.

Specify the registry in your FROM line

Let’s consider a specification in your Containerfile or Dockerfile of a FROM line is such way:

FROM ubi9/ubi:9.4-1123

In this case, the ubi9 image is pulled from the client’s default registry, which might be, for example. This might lead into errors, such as MintMaker unable to update your Containerfile or Dockerfile due to missing credentials to access that registry. In order to avoid this issue, specify the registry explicitly, such as:

FROM registry is not supported by MintMaker by default.

Enable container image tag versioning

It is recommended to specify the base images using a digest, like so:


However, if you prefer to use image tags as versions, Renovate might not be able to update them by default. To enable the tag updates, use the following config for all container images:

  "dockerfile": {
    "versioning": "redhat"

or just for specific images using the packageRules option:

  "packageRules": [
      "matchDatasources": ["docker"],
      "matchPackageNames": [""],
      "versioning": "redhat"

or take a look at the workarounds:supportRedHatImageVersion preset for other available options.

1. Includes PDM and uv