Image API Reference

Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the v1alpha1 API group


CredentialsStatus shows information about generated image repository credentials.

Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

generationTimestamp Time

GenerationTime shows timestamp when the current credentials were generated.

push-secret string

PushSecretName holds name of the dockerconfig secret with credentials to push (and pull) into the generated repository.

pull-secret string

PullSecretName is present only if ImageRepository has labels that connect it to Application and Component.
Holds name of the dockerconfig secret with credentials to pull only from the generated repository.
The secret might not be present in the same namespace as ImageRepository, but created in other environments.

push-robot-account string

PushRobotAccountName holds name of the quay robot account with write (push and pull) permissions into the generated repository.

pull-robot-account string

PullRobotAccountName is present only if ImageRepository has labels that connect it to Application and Component.
Holds name of the quay robot account with real (pull only) permissions from the generated repository.


Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

regenerate-token boolean

RegenerateToken defines a request to refresh image accessing credentials.
Refreshes both, push and pull tokens.
The field gets cleared after the refresh.

verify-linking boolean

VerifyLinking defines a request to verify and fix
secret linking in pipeline service account.
The field gets cleared after fixing.


ImageParameters describes requested image repository configuration.

Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

name string

Name of the image within configured Quay organization.
If ommited, then defaults to "cr-namespace/cr-name".
This field cannot be changed after the resource creation.

Pattern: ^[a-z0-9][.a-z0-9_-]*(/[a-z0-9][.a-z0-9_-]*)*$

visibility ImageVisibility

Visibility defines whether the image is publicly visible.
Allowed values are public and private.
"public" is the default.

Enum: [public private]


ImageRepository is the Schema for the imagerepositories API

Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

apiVersion string

kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.


ImageRepositoryList contains a list of ImageRepository

Field Description Default Validation

apiVersion string

kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items ImageRepository array


ImageRepositorySpec defines the desired state of ImageRepository

Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

Requested image repository configuration.

credentials ImageCredentials

Credentials management.

notifications Notifications array

Notifications defines configuration for image repository notifications.


Underlying type: string

Appears In:


ImageRepositoryStatus defines the observed state of ImageRepository

Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

State shows if image repository could be used.
"ready" means repository was created and usable,
"failed" means that the image repository creation request failed.

message string

Message shows error information for the request.
It could contain non critical error, like failed to change image visibility,
while the state is ready and image resitory could be used.

image ImageStatus

Image describes actual state of the image repository.

credentials CredentialsStatus

Credentials contain information related to image repository credentials.

notifications NotificationStatus array

Notifications shows the status of the notifications configuration.


ImageStatus shows actual generated image repository parameters.

Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

url string

URL is the full image repository url to push into / pull from.

visibility ImageVisibility

Visibility shows actual generated image repository visibility.

Enum: [public private]


Underlying type: string

  • Enum: [public private]


Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

email string

Email is the email address to send notifications to.

url string

Webhook is the URL to send notifications to.


Underlying type: string

Appears In:


Underlying type: string

Appears In:


NotificationStatus shows the status of the notification configuration.

Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

title string

uuid string


Appears In:
Field Description Default Validation

title string

Enum: [repo_push]

Enum: [email webhook]