Release API Reference
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the appstudio v1alpha1 API group
AttributionInfo defines the observed state of the release attribution.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Author is the username that the release is attributed to |
StandingAuthorization indicates whether the release is attributed through a ReleasePlan |
CollectorItem represents all the information about an specific collector which will be executed in the CollectorsPipeline.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Name of the collector |
Pattern: |
Timeout in seconds for the collector to execute |
Type is the type of collector to be used |
Pattern: |
Params is a slice of parameters for a given collector |
Collectors holds the list of collectors to be executed as part of the release workflow along with the ServiceAccount to be used in the PipelineRun.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Items is the list of Collectors to be executed as part of the release workflow |
ServiceAccountName is the ServiceAccount to use during the execution of the Collectors Pipeline |
Pattern: |
CollectorsInfo defines the observed state of the release collectors.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
ManagedCollectorsProcessing contains information about the release managed collectors processing |
TenantCollectorsProcessing contains information about the release tenant collectors processing |
EmptyDirOverrides defines the values usually set in a PipelineRef using a git resolver.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Url is the url to the git repo |
Revision is the git revision where the Pipeline definition can be found |
PathInRepo is the path within the git repository where the Pipeline definition can be found |
MatchedReleasePlan defines the relevant information for a matched ReleasePlan.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Name contains the namespaced name of the ReleasePlan |
Pattern: |
Active indicates whether the ReleasePlan is set to auto-release or not |
MatchedReleasePlanAdmission defines the relevant information for a matched ReleasePlanAdmission.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Name contains the namespaced name of the releasePlanAdmission |
Active indicates whether the ReleasePlanAdmission is set to auto-release or not |
Param represents a parameter for a collector
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Name is the name of the parameter |
Value is the value of the parameter |
PipelineInfo defines the observed state of a release pipeline processing.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
CompletionTime is the time when the Release processing was completed |
PipelineRun contains the namespaced name of the managed Release PipelineRun executed as part of this release |
Pattern: |
RoleBinding contains the namespaced name of the roleBinding created for the managed Release PipelineRun |
Pattern: |
StartTime is the time when the Release processing started |
Release is the Schema for the releases API
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ReleaseList contains a list of Release
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ReleasePlan is the Schema for the ReleasePlans API.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ReleasePlanAdmission is the Schema for the ReleasePlanAdmissions API.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ReleasePlanAdmissionList contains a list of ReleasePlanAdmission.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ReleasePlanAdmissionSpec defines the desired state of ReleasePlanAdmission.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Applications is a list of references to applications to be released in the managed namespace |
Collectors contains all the information of the collectors to be executed as part of the release workflow |
Data is an unstructured key used for providing data for the managed Release Pipeline |
Environment defines which Environment will be used to release the Application |
Pattern: |
Origin references where the release requests should come from |
Pattern: |
Pipeline contains all the information about the managed Pipeline |
Policy to validate before releasing an artifact |
Pattern: |
ReleasePlanAdmissionStatus defines the observed state of ReleasePlanAdmission.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Conditions represent the latest available observations for the releasePlanAdmission |
ReleasePlan is a list of releasePlans matched to the ReleasePlanAdmission |
ReleasePlanList contains a list of ReleasePlan.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ReleasePlanSpec defines the desired state of ReleasePlan.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Application is a reference to the application to be released in the managed namespace |
Pattern: |
Collectors contains all the information of the collectors to be executed as part of the release workflow |
Data is an unstructured key used for providing data for the managed Release Pipeline |
TenantPipeline contains all the information about the tenant Pipeline |
FinalPipeline contains all the information about the final Pipeline |
ReleaseGracePeriodDays is the number of days a Release should be kept |
7 |
Target references where to send the release requests |
Pattern: |
ReleasePlanStatus defines the observed state of ReleasePlan.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Conditions represent the latest available observations for the releasePlan |
ReleasePlanAdmission contains the information of the releasePlanAdmission this ReleasePlan is |
ReleaseServiceConfig is the Schema for the releaseserviceconfigs API
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ReleaseServiceConfigList contains a list of ReleaseServiceConfig
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ReleaseServiceConfigSpec defines the desired state of ReleaseServiceConfig.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Debug is the boolean that specifies whether or not the Release Service should run |
DefaultTimeouts contain the default Tekton timeouts to be used in case they are |
VolumeOverrides is a map containing the volume type for specific Pipeline git refs |
ReleaseServiceConfigStatus defines the observed state of ReleaseServiceConfig.
ReleaseSpec defines the desired state of Release.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Snapshot to be released |
Pattern: |
ReleasePlan to use for this particular Release |
Pattern: |
Data is an unstructured key used for providing data for the managed Release Pipeline |
GracePeriodDays is the number of days a Release should be kept |
ReleaseStatus defines the observed state of Release.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
Artifacts is an unstructured key used for storing all the artifacts generated by the managed Release Pipeline |
Attribution contains information about the entity authorizing the release |
Collectors is an unstructured key used for storing all the collectors results generated by the Collectors Pipeline |
Conditions represent the latest available observations for the release |
CollectorsProcessing contains information about the release collectors processing |
FinalProcessing contains information about the release final processing |
ManagedProcessing contains information about the release managed processing |
TenantProcessing contains information about the release tenant processing |
Validation contains information about the release validation |
Target references where this release is intended to be released to |
Pattern: |
Automated indicates whether the Release was created as part of an automated process or manually by an end-user |
CompletionTime is the time when a Release was completed |
StartTime is the time when a Release started |
ExpirationTime is the time when a Release can be purged |
ValidationInfo defines the observed state of the release validation.
Field | Description | Default | Validation |
FailedPostValidation indicates whether the Release was marked as invalid after being initially marked as valid |
Time is the time when the Release was validated or when the validation state changed |