8. Environment Provisioning

Date: 2022-12-14


Superceded by ADR 32. Decoupling Deployment





In our old KCP architecture, we had a design for provisioning a new deployment target in support of new Environments. This design was to be implemented in GITOPSRVCE-228 by an environment controller that would create and manage sub-workspaces of the user’s main Konflux workspace, and that would provide a serviceaccount to Argo in order to deploy the user’s application to those sub-workspaces. Now, without KCP, we need a new design.

The Environment CR serves two purposes:

Some use cases to consider for Environments:

  1. As a part of the Konflux workspace initialization process, the user should find that both a dev and stage environment with corresponding deployment targets are ready for them (STONE-180). In our post-KCP architecture, these will be backed by namespaces on a devsandbox member cluster.
  2. The user will want to manually create additional Environments (for example, a prod environment). The user may want to use our compute resources provided in the form of a new namespace on a devsandbox member cluster for this (STONE-183) or they may want to bring their own cluster as a target (STONE-162).
  3. The integration-service expects to be able to create ephemeral Environments for automated testing purposes (STONE-114). For our short-term goals, the automated testing use case requires the same kind of compute as for the dev and stage Environments (devsandbox member cluster namespaces), but will expand to include other kinds of deployment targets in the future - like hypershift clusters (STONE-185).


We are going split the two original purposes of the Environment CR into different APIs.

The new DeploymentTarget API is designed to emulate storage management APIs (see persistent-volumes and storage provisioner design for reference).


DeploymentTarget (DT)

A deployment target, usually a K8s api endpoint. The credentials for connecting to the target will be stored in a secret which will be referenced in the clusterCredentialsSecret field. A DT Can be created manually by a user, or dynamically using a provisioner. The phase section shows the lifecycle phase of the DT.

Immutable object: no

Scope: namespace

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: DeploymentTarget
    name: prod-dt
    deploymentTargetClassName: isolation-level-namespace
        defaultNamespace: team-a--prod-dtc
        clusterCredentialsSecret: team-a--prod-dtc--secret
        name: prod-dtc
    phase: Bound


Pending: DT is not yet available for binding.

Available: DT waits for a Claim to be bound to.

Bound: The DT was bounded to a DTC.

Released: The DT was previously bound to a DTC which got deleted. external resources were not freed.

Failed: DT was released from its claim, but there was a failure during the release of external resources.

DeploymentTargetClaim (DTC)

Represents a request for a DeploymentTarget. The phase section shows the lifecycle phase of the DTC.

Immutable object: no

Scope: namespace

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: DeploymentTargetClaim
    name: prod-dtc
    deploymentTargetClassName: isolation-level-namespace
    phase: Bound


Pending: DTC wait for the binding controller or user to bind it with a DT that satisfies it.

Bound: The DTC was bounded to a DT that satisfies it by the binding controller.

Lost: The DTC lost its bounded DT. The DT doesn’t exist anymore because it got deleted.

DeploymentTargetClass (DTCLS)

Referred from a DeploymentTarget and DeploymentTargetClaim. Defines DeploymentTarget properties that should be abstracted from the controller/user that creates a DTC and wants a DT to be provisioned automatically for it.

In the example below you can see a class that represents a DT that grants the requestor access to a namespace. The requestor isn’t aware of the actual location the DT is going to be provisioned. The parameters section can be used to forward additional information to the provisioner. The reclaimPolicy field will tell the provisioner what to do with the DT once its corresponding DTC is deleted, the values can be Retain or Delete.

Immutable object: yes

Scope: cluster

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: DeploymentTargetClass
    name: isolation-level-namespace
    provisioner: appstudio.redhat.com/devsandbox
    parameters: {}
    reclaimPolicy: Delete


Environment objects refer to a DTC using the deploymentTargetClaim field. The environment controller will wait for the DTC to get to the bound phase, once it is bound, it will reach the DT and read the target’s connection details from the kubernetesCredentials field and configure Argo/Gitops services to use them.

Immutable object: no

Scope: namespace

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: Environment
    name: prod
    displayName: “Production for Team A”
    deploymentStrategy: AppStudioAutomated
    parentEnvironment: staging
    tags: [prod]
                claimName: prod-dtc



Binds DeploymentTargetClaim to a DeploymentTarget that satisfies its requirements.

It watches for DTC resources and tries to find a matching DT for each one of them. In addition, it’s responsible for updating the Status sections of the DT and DTC (it also watches DTC objects). It marks DTC objects that requires dynamic provisioning.

A DT that was created dynamically for a specific DTC will always be attached to it.

DT and DTC have one to one bindings.

Binding Loop (DTC Reconciliation)


Watch for DTC objects. If the DTC was marked for a dynamic provisioning by the provisioner, it reads the parameters from the [DTCLS] mentioned in the DTC, provisions the target and creates a DT object which references the DTC that started the process.

When a DTC is deleted, if it was bound to a DT created by the provisioner, it reclaims the DT and the actual cluster that was created for it based on the reclaimPolicy configuration.

Provision Loop (DTC Reconciliation)

Deprovision Loop (DT Reconciliation)


Watch for Environment objects. If the Environment references a DTC that is Bound and that DTC references a DT that contains a spec.kubernetesCredentials.clusterCredentialsSecret field, then ensure that there exists a [GitOpsDeploymentManagedEnvironment] resource that also references that secret.

DeploymentTarget(DT) and DeploymentTargetClaim(DTC) Lifecycle

Access Matrix

User,Controller/CRD DT DTC DTCLS Environment
Binder watch/list/get/update watch/list/get/update    
Provisioner create/delete watch get  
Environment get get   watch
Integration   create/delete   create/delete
User create/delete create/delete   create/delete/update

Annotation details

Const Name in code Key Values Applied by Applied on Purpose
AnnTargetProvisioner provionser.appstudio.redhat.com/dt-provisioner A name of a provisioner Binding controller DTC Indicates that a DT should be dynamically provisioned for the DTC by the provisioner whose name appear in the value
AnnBindCompleted dt.appstudio.redhat.com/bind-complete “yes” Binding controller DTC Indicates that the binding controller completed the binding process
AnnBoundByController dt.appstudio.redhat.com/bound-by-controller “yes” Binding controller DTC Indicates that the binding controller bind the DTC to a DT. In practice it means that the controller set the DTC.spec.VolumeName to the value of DT.Name
AnnDynamicallyProvisioned provionser.appstudio.redhat.com/provisioned-by A name of a provisioner Provisioner DT Indicates that the provisioner whose name appears in the value provisioned the DT.

Finalizer details

Const Name in code Key Applied by Applied on Purpose
finalizerDT provionser.appstudio.redhat.com/finalizer Provisioner DT Delays the deletion of a DT so the provisioner can free up external resources

Use Case Descriptions

Manual Environment Creation Examples

Manual Environment Creation - BYOC

Manual Environment Creation - Sandbox

Manual Environment Creation - Cluster

Mutating DeploymentTargets and Claims

Users may mutate existing DeploymentTargets and DeploymentTargetClaims in order to, for instance, request that their provisioned cluster is scaled up to include more resources. However, implementation of resource request changes is provided on a per-provisioner basis. Some may support it, and some may not. Most all of our provisioners in the MVP will make no changes to a DeploymentTarget’s external resources in the event of a resource request change to either the DeploymentTargetClaim or the DeploymentTarget.

In the rare case that a provisioner does support resizing external resources - the user should request resource changes on the DeploymentTargetClaim, which should then cause the provisioner to resize the external resources modeled by the DeploymentTarget. Lastly, the provisioner should update the resources in the spec of the DeploymentTarget to reflect the external change.


Phases of implementation

An addendum about what features can be left out until later iterations.

Phase 0 (Path to MVP)

For our “MVP” target in early CY23, we’re going to ignore the details of this proposal. It sketches an architecture that we only want to roll out between MVP and Service Preview.

Phase 1

The result of this phase is automation that binds DT and DTC, and automatically provisions an environment on the Sandbox cluster (using the SpaceRequest API) and creates a DT.

Work on the components of Phase 1 (the sandbox provisioner, the binding controller, the gitops service controller changes and the API changes) can all proceed in parallel while work on the SpaceRequest API advances.

When done, Phase 1 enables adjusting the integration service controller to create and delete new Environments and DTCs for integration tests.

Phase 2 (need more grooming and clear requirement from the PM)

The result of this phase is the ability to specify parameters that are needed from the deployment target, such as memory, CPU, CPU architecture and the number of nodes.

DeploymentTarget (DT)

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: DeploymentTarget
    name: prod-dt
    deploymentTargetClassName: isolation-level-namespace
            memory: 16Gi
            cpu: 8m
            memory: 16Gi
            cpu: 8m
    arch: x86–64
        defaultNamespace: team-a--prod-dtc
        clusterCredentialsSecret: team-a--prod-dtc--secret
        name: prod-dtc

DeploymentTargetClaim (DTC)

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: DeploymentTargetClaim
    name: prod-dtc
    deploymentTargetClassName: isolation-level-namespace
            memory: 16Gi
            cpu: 8m
            memory: 16Gi
            cpu: 8m
    arch: x86–64
    phase: Bound

DeploymentTargetClass (DTCLS)

Hypershift cluster with 3 nodes example:

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: DeploymentTargetClass
    name: isolation-level-cluster-small
    provisioner: appstudio.redhat.com/hypershift
        numOfNodes: 3
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    allowTargetResourceExpansion: false

Phase 3

The result of this phase is to automatically provisioning of Hypershift cluster using Konflux’s credentials. We call it provided compute (compute that we provide, not the user) and it’s included as part of the offering. This compute can be used for both long lived clusters and for ephemeral clusters used by the integration service.

For long lived clusters, the maintenance model for them is yet to be determined.

DeploymentTargetClass (DTCLS)

Hypershift cluster with 3 nodes example:

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: DeploymentTargetClass
    name: isolation-level-cluster-small
    provisioner: appstudio.redhat.com/hypershift
        numOfNodes: 3
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    allowTargetResourceExpansion: false

Hypershift cluster with 6 nodes example:

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: DeploymentTargetClass
    name: isolation-level-cluster-large
    provisioner: appstudio.redhat.com/hypershift
        numOfNodes: 6
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    allowTargetResourceExpansion: false
