API Reference



Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the appstudio.redhat.com v1alpha1 API group

Resource Types


EnterpriseContractPolicy is the Schema for the enterprisecontractpolicies API

Appears in:

Field Description
apiVersion string appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind string EnterpriseContractPolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec EnterpriseContractPolicySpec  


EnterpriseContractPolicyConfiguration configuration of modifications to policy evaluation. DEPRECATED: Use the config for a policy source instead.

Appears in:

Field Description
exclude string array Exclude set of policy exclusions that, in case of failure, do not block the success of the outcome.
include string array Include set of policy inclusions that are added to the policy evaluation. These override excluded rules.
collections string array Collections set of predefined rules. DEPRECATED: Collections can be listed in include with the “@” prefix.


EnterpriseContractPolicyList contains a list of EnterpriseContractPolicy

Field Description
apiVersion string appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind string EnterpriseContractPolicyList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items EnterpriseContractPolicy array  


EnterpriseContractPolicySpec is used to configure the Enterprise Contract Policy

Appears in:

Field Description
name string Optional name of the policy
description string Description of the policy or its intended use
sources Source array One or more groups of policy rules
configuration EnterpriseContractPolicyConfiguration Configuration handles policy modification configuration (exclusions and inclusions)
rekorUrl string URL of the Rekor instance. Empty string disables Rekor integration
publicKey string Public key used to validate the signature of images and attestations
identity Identity Identity to be used for keyless verification. This is an experimental feature.


Identity defines the allowed identity for keyless signing.

Appears in:

Field Description
subject string Subject is the URL of the certificate identity for keyless verification.
subjectRegExp string SubjectRegExp is a regular expression to match the URL of the certificate identity for keyless verification.
issuer string Issuer is the URL of the certificate OIDC issuer for keyless verification.
issuerRegExp string IssuerRegExp is a regular expression to match the URL of the certificate OIDC issuer for keyless verification.


Source defines policies and data that are evaluated together

Appears in:

Field Description
name string Optional name for the source
policy string array List of go-getter style policy source urls
data string array List of go-getter style policy data source urls
ruleData JSON Arbitrary rule data that will be visible to policy rules
config SourceConfig Config specifies which policy rules are included, or excluded, from the provided policy source urls.
volatileConfig VolatileSourceConfig Specifies volatile configuration that can include or exclude policy rules based on effective time.


SourceConfig specifies config options for a policy source.

Appears in:

Field Description
exclude string array Exclude is a set of policy exclusions that, in case of failure, do not block the success of the outcome.
include string array Include is a set of policy inclusions that are added to the policy evaluation. These take precedence over policy exclusions.


VolatileCriteria includes or excludes a policy rule with effective dates as an option.

Appears in:

Field Description
value string  
effectiveOn string  
effectiveUntil string  
imageRef string ImageRef is used to specify an image by its digest.


VolatileSourceConfig specifies volatile configuration for a policy source.

Appears in:

Field Description
exclude VolatileCriteria array Exclude is a set of policy exclusions that, in case of failure, do not block the success of the outcome.
include VolatileCriteria array Include is a set of policy inclusions that are added to the policy evaluation. These take precedence over policy exclusions.