9. Pipeline Service via Operator

Created: 2023-09-29 Last Updated: 2023-09-29




kcp is no longer being used as a control plane for RHTAP. This means that “Pipeline Service” cannot be deployed as an independent service. For our initial MVP, all Tekton APIs need to be deployed onto a standard OpenShift cluster (specifically OpenShift Dedicated).


All Tekton APIs will be provided using the stock OpenShift Pipelines operator (OSP). In the spirit of developing in a “Service First” manner, RHTAP will deploy a candidate “nightly” release of the operator. The service will be defined in the pipeline-service repository, which is then imported into infra-deployments as an ArgoCD application.

Not all metrics required for operating the service are exposed natively by the controllers. The pipeline-metrics-exporter controller is to be used as a test bed to expose new metrics, with the goal of upstreaming those metrics as they mature and prove their value.

Configurations that are specific to RHTAP must be made available through the OSP CRDs. The following changes are specific to RHTAP:

Furthermore, as the service will be accessed through CodeReadyToolchain (CRT), the following changes are also specific to RHTAP:
