10. Namespace Metadata

Date: 2022-12-09






We need metadata on our namespaces to make Konflux easier to operate and maintain. Standardizing namespace metadata will make it easier for us to search our logs and metrics across clusters. It will also allow us to enable logging for outgoing network traffic, one of our security requirements.

Namespace labels

We will apply the following labels to Konflux namespaces, to make them easier to identify programmatically. One namespace can have multiple types/labels:

The following labels are used for billing and telemetry. Values can be left blank if they are not defined yet:

The following labels are used by required operators:

Namespace annotations

We will apply the following annotation to namespaces installed and maintained by Konflux on the clusters that Red Hat manages. This will enable OVN network logging to log outgoing network traffic:

metadata: annotations: k8s.ovn.org/acl-logging: ‘{“deny”: “info”, “allow”: “info”}’


We might have to migrate appstudio.redhat.com to another product name in the future, but it’s the best option we have right now.