11. Roles and Permissions for Konflux

Date: 2023-01-10




Konflux is using Kubernetes as the control plane for managing its resources. We require a system for managing user roles and permissions in this context. We have defined the following roles for our project: “Contributor”, “Maintainer”, and “Admin”. We need to map these roles to specific permissions in the Kubernetes RBAC system, in terms of API groups, verbs, and resources.


We will use the built-in Kubernetes RBAC system for Konflux’s role and permissions management, and map the following roles to specific permissions, as described in the table below:


Contributor: Members who interact with the workspace mostly through pull requests. Maintainer: Members who manage the workspace without access to sensitive or destructive actions. Admin: Members who have full access to the workspace including sensitive and destruction actions.

Roles and Permissions Table

Role Permissions API Groups Verbs Resources
Contributor Workspace Access to namespaces that backs workspace    
  Application appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch applications
  Component appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch components, componentdetectionqueries
  ImageRepository appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch imagerepositories
  Environment appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch promotionruns, snapshotenvironmentbindings, snapshots, environments
  DeploymentTarget appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch deploymenttargets
  DeploymentTargetClaim appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch deploymenttargetclaims
  GitOps managed-gitops.redhat.com get, list, watch gitopsdeployments, gitopsdeploymentmanagedenvironments, gitopsdeploymentrepositorycredentials, gitopsdeploymentsyncruns
  PipelineRun tekton.dev get, list, watch pipelineruns
  Pipeline Results results.tekton.dev get, list results, records, logs
  IntegrationTestScenario appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch integrationtestscenarios
  Enterprise contract appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch enterprisecontractpolicies
  Release Service appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch releases, releaseplans, releaseplanadmissions
  JVM Build Service jvmbuildservice.io get, list, watch jbsconfigs, artifactbuilds
  Service Access appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch spiaccesstokenbindings, spiaccesschecks, spiaccesstokens, spifilecontentrequests
  Remote Secrets appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch remotesecrets
  Build Service appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch buildpipelineselectors
  Project Controller projctl.konflux.dev get, list, watch projects, projectdevelopmentstreams, projectdevelopmentstreamtemplates
  Configs   get, list, watch configmaps
  Secrets     secrets
  Add User      
  User group (with SSO)      
Maintainer Workspace Access to namespaces that backs workspace    
  Application appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch applications
  Component appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch components, componentdetectionqueries
  ImageRepository appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch imagerepositories
  Environment appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch promotionruns, snapshotenvironmentbindings, snapshots, environments
  DeploymentTarget appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch deploymenttargets
  DeploymentTargetClaim appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch deploymenttargetclaims
  GitOps managed-gitops.redhat.com get, list, watch gitopsdeployments, gitopsdeploymentmanagedenvironments, gitopsdeploymentrepositorycredentials, gitopsdeploymentsyncruns
  PipelineRun tekton.dev get, list, watch pipelineruns
  Pipeline Results results.tekton.dev get, list results, records, logs
  IntegrationTestScenario appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete integrationtestscenarios
  Enterprise contract appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch enterprisecontractpolicies
  Release Service appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete releases, releaseplans, releaseplanadmissions
  JVM Build Service jvmbuildservice.io get, list, watch, create, update, patch jbsconfigs, artifactbuilds
  Service Access appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch spiaccesstokenbindings, spiaccesschecks, spiaccesstokens, spifilecontentrequests, spiaccesstokendataupdates
  Remote Secrets appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch remotesecrets
  Build Service appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create buildpipelineselectors
  Project Controller projctl.konflux.dev get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete projects, projectdevelopmentstreams, projectdevelopmentstreamtemplates
  Configs   get, list, watch configmaps
  Secrets     secrets
  Add User      
  User group (with SSO)      
Admin Workspace Access to namespaces that backs workspace    
  Application appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete, deletecollection applications
  Component appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete, deletecollection components, componentdetectionqueries
  ImageRepository appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete, deletecollection imagerepositories
  Environment appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete promotionruns, snapshotenvironmentbindings, snapshots, environments
  DeploymentTarget appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete deploymenttargets
  DeploymentTargetClaim appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete deploymenttargetclaims
  GitOps managed-gitops.redhat.com get, list, watch gitopsdeployments, gitopsdeploymentmanagedenvironments, gitopsdeploymentrepositorycredentials, gitopsdeploymentsyncruns
  PipelineRun tekton.dev get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete pipelineruns
  Pipeline Results results.tekton.dev get, list results, records, logs
  IntegrationTestScenario appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete integrationtestscenarios
  Enterprise contract appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete enterprisecontractpolicies
  Release Service appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete releases, releaseplans, releaseplanadmissions
  Release Admission Plan appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete releaseplanadmissions
  JVM Build Service jvmbuildservice.io get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete jbsconfigs, artifactbuilds
  Service Access appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete spiaccesstokenbindings, spiaccesschecks, spiaccesstokens,spifilecontentrequests, spiaccesstokendataupdates
  Remote Secrets appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete remotesecrets
  Build Service appstudio.redhat.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete buildpipelineselectors
  Project Controller projctl.konflux.dev get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete projects, projectdevelopmentstreams, projectdevelopmentstreamtemplates
  Configs   get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete configmaps
  Secrets   get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete secrets
  Exec to pods   create pods/exec
  SpaceBindingRequest toolchain.dev.openshift.com get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete spacebindingrequests
  Add User      
  User group (with SSO)      
