16. Promotion logic in the Integration Service


Superseded by ADR 32. Decoupling Deployment Superseded by ADR 36. Integration service promotes components to GCL immediately after builds complete


Before the merge of HACBS & AppStudio, the Konflux build-service created the ApplicationSnapshot and promoted the content to the user’s lowest environment as soon as the build was completed and once the environment was built. The integration-service fulfilled the same role for HACBS in addition to running the IntegrationTestScenario tests first before promoting.

Here, we are documenting the decision to consolidate and move the logic at one place to avoid duplicacy on the actions.

Note: This functionality has now been completely dropped from the build-service side after the merger.

What is promotion logic ?

DevOps workflows often automate deployments of applications across different environments to ensure that the workloads are properly tested before being further promoted to an environment with a higher service level agreement. The promotion path can be represented with a directed acyclic graph from the environment with the lowest SLA to the one with the highest, for example development -> staging -> production. In Konflux, this promotion logic would be represented by a set of components (container images) defined by an immutable Snapshot being deployed to the relevant environment.

Once the Snapshot is tested and verified successfully, its contents will then be deployed to the user’s defined lowest environments.


Consolidate the promotion logic for both HACBS & AppStudio and move it to the integration-service after the merger of Konflux.

Upon successful promotion of a Snapshot, the integration service will have:

Note: In case of no IntegrationTestScenario defined, the testing of the Snapshot will be skipped and the outcome will be considered as passed followed by the same promotion process defined in the diagram.

To get the environment details, Integration service validates all the Environment CRs in the user’s namespace and makes decisions on where to deploy the contents of the Snapshot. With the current functionality, integration-service can setup to deploy to more than one lowest environments.

The “lowest environments” are the Environments with no explicit parentEnvironment set.

The Application Service (HAS) and the Gitops Service listen to the SnapshotEnvironmentBinding CR created by the integration-service and they work together to deploy the Snapshot to the lowest defined environments(dev/stage/something else).

In tandem, Integration-service creates the Release for each ReleasePlan with an auto-release label based on the testing outcomes. The Release contains the Snapshot and the ReleasePlan which will have the user-supplied definition of where to release the Snapshot of an Application.

Release-service then communicates with the enterprise-contract to ensure the policy is satisfied to promote the Snapshot content to the production environment.

Note: Integration service does not promote the Snapshots originating from PRs, only those originating from push (merge-to-main) events gets promoted to lowest environments and released.



The promotion logic has originally been implemented as part of HACBS-802 / HACBS-801 and is currently in action. This document is created for posterity and visibility.