Getting started with Konflux

Konflux is a platform that helps teams develop applications. How you use Konflux depends on what role you have on your team. Konflux users generally fall into one of two categories:

  • Platform Engineers (PEs): These are the people whose job isn’t to engineer applications, but to make it possible for others to do so. They usually own the instance of Konflux. They manage that instance and its users.

  • Developers: These are the people who engineer applications for their organization. They are the typical users of Konflux, who productize their software with it.

Depending on your role, read whichever following section applies best to you, to get more information and links to further documentation.

For PEs

Before anyone can use it, you need to install Konflux. After installing Konflux, you can add users and assign them to a Konflux workspace. We use Konflux workspaces for role-based access control (RBAC).

For developers

The purpose of Konflux is to help your applications get out into the world. Be aware that, in Konflux, we specifically define an application as one or more components that run together. And a component is an image built from a source repository.

To access Konflux, your PE needs to give you the URL to your team’s instance and your user credentials. Once you have that access, you can use Konflux to do many different things. But the actions you can take generally fall into 3 key categories:

  1. Build: as mentioned, to form an application, you build its components as images from a repository. While building, Konflux also runs certain checks against those images and their source repository.

  2. Test: bring components together and test them as a whole application.

  3. Release: transfer ownership of your application to somewhere outside of Konflux, like a container registry.