1. Pipeline Service Phase 1

Created: 2022-10-13 Last Updated: 2023-09-29



Superceded by ADR-0009


App Studio initially ran on a single cluster and provisioned Tekton controllers. With the migration to kcp, controllers need to either a) be made “kcp aware”, or b) run on all workload clusters, targeting the same kcp APIExport. App Studio could build this on their own, however other services and teams beyond App Studio need the ability to run Tekton pipelines.

Tekton code utilizes libraries that are not simple to refactor and make “kcp aware.” Furthermore, Tekton is an upstream project with a wide, active community. Adding kcp-aware changes would require upstream acceptance, or require us to fork Tekton and apply our “kcp aware” patches.


Tekton APIs and services will be provided through a separate, independent service - Pipeline Service. App Studio and HACBS will be “customer 0” for Pipeline Service. Future managed services which rely on Tekton APIs can bind to the Pipeline Service and start running pipelines right away.

Pipeline Service will deploy and manage Tekton controllers directly on workload clusters. kcp syncers will be used to generate APIExports from the workload cluster. We will utilize the OpenShift Pipelines Operator to deploy Tekton controllers to the furthest extent possible, whose configuration will be controlled via ArgoCD. Otherwise, other Tekton controllers will be deployed with direct manifests.

Arch Diagram: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOVEW0IM=/
