API Reference



Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the hacbs jvmbuildservice v1alpha1 API group

Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the hacbs jvmbuildservice v1alpha1 API group


Appears in:

Field Description
uri string  
sha256 string  
fileName string  
binaryPath string  
packageName string  
type string  


ArtifactBuild TODO provide godoc description

Appears in:

Field Description
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ArtifactBuildSpec  


Appears in:

Field Description
gav string GAV is the groupID:artifactID:version tuple seen in maven pom.xml files


Appears in:

Field Description
buildId string  
buildRecipe BuildRecipe  
build BuildPipelineRun  


Appears in:

Field Description
pipelineName string  
complete boolean  
succeeded boolean  
diagnosticDockerFile string  
results BuildPipelineRunResults  
startTime integer  
finishTime integer  


Appears in:


Appears in:

Field Description
pipeline string Deprecated
tool string  
image string The base builder image (ubi7 / ubi8)
contextPath string  
commandLine string array  
enforceVersion string  
toolVersion string  
toolVersions object (keys:string, values:string)  
javaVersion string  
preBuildScript string  
postBuildScript string  
additionalDownloads AdditionalDownload array  
disableSubmodules boolean  
additionalMemory integer  
repositories string array  
allowedDifferences string array  
disabledPlugins string array  


Appears in:

Field Description
buildRequestMemory string The requested memory for the build and deploy steps of a pipeline
buildRequestCPU string The requested CPU for the build and deploy steps of a pipeline
buildLimitCPU string The CPU limit for the build and deploy steps of a pipeline
taskRequestMemory string The requested memory for all other steps of a pipeline
taskRequestCPU string The requested CPU for all other steps of a pipeline
taskLimitMemory string The memory limit for all other steps of a pipeline
taskLimitCPU string The CPU limit for all other steps of a pipeline


Appears in:

Field Description
image string  
tag string  
priority integer  


Appears in:

Field Description
requestMemory string  
requestCPU string  
limitMemory string  
limitCPU string  
ioThreads string  
workerThreads string  
storage string  
disableTLS boolean  


Appears in:

Field Description
gav string  
contaminatedArtifacts string array  
buildId string  
source string  
allowed boolean  
rebuildAvailable boolean  


DependencyBuild TODO provide godoc description

Appears in:

Field Description
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec DependencyBuildSpec  


Appears in:

Field Description
scm SCMInfo  
version string  
buildRecipeConfigMap string  


Appears in:

Field Description
identity string  
url string  
disableSSLVerification boolean  


Appears in:

Field Description
host string  
port string  
owner string  
repository string  
insecure boolean  
prependTag string Used to stop old images from tests being picked up. Its used in the tests to add a timestamp for uniqueness.
secretName string  


Appears in:

Field Description
ImageRegistry ImageRegistry  
private boolean if this is true and we are automatically creating registries then we will make it private
dontReuseExisting boolean  


JBSConfig TODO provide godoc description

Appears in:

Field Description
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec JBSConfigSpec  


Appears in:

Field Description
enableRebuilds boolean  
requireArtifactVerification boolean If this is true then the build will fail if artifact verification fails otherwise deploy will happen as normal, but a field will be set on the DependencyBuild
hermeticBuilds HermeticBuildType Deprecated
additionalRecipes string array  
mavenBaseLocations object (keys:string, values:string)  
sharedRegistries ImageRegistry array  
registry ImageRegistrySpec  
mavenDeployment MavenDeployment  
gitSourceArchive GitSourceArchive  
cacheSettings CacheSettings  
buildSettings BuildSettings  
relocationPatterns RelocationPatternElement array Deprecated


Appears in:

Field Description
gav string  
source string  
attributes object (keys:string, values:string)  


Underlying type: string

Appears in:


JvmImageScan TODO provide godoc description

Appears in:

Field Description
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec JvmImageScanSpec  


Appears in:

Field Description
image string  


Appears in:

Field Description
username string  
repository string  


Appears in:

Field Description
from string  
to string  


Appears in:

Field Description
pattern Pattern  


A representation of the Tekton Results records for a pipeline

Appears in:

Field Description
result string  
record string  
logs string  


Appears in:

Field Description
baseBuilderImage string  
builtImageDigest string  
tool string  


RebuiltArtifact An artifact that has been rebuilt and deployed to S3 or a Container registry

Appears in:

Field Description
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RebuiltArtifactSpec  


Appears in:

Field Description
gav string The GAV of the rebuilt artifact
image string  
digest string  


Appears in:

Field Description
buildPolicy string  
patterns PatternElement array  


Appears in:

Field Description
relocationPattern RelocationPattern  


Appears in:

Field Description
scmURL string  
scmType string  
tag string  
commitHash string  
path string  
private boolean  


SystemConfig TODO provide godoc description

Appears in:

Field Description
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec SystemConfigSpec  


Appears in:

Field Description
builders object (keys:string, values:BuilderImageInfo)  
maxAdditionalMemory integer  
recipeDatabase string